Does Your Work Align with Your Values?

As we approach the end of 2024, many professionals may find themselves asking this question: Does your organization, your company, or your government agency align with who you are? Or does your work align with your true values?

I have coached many individuals who were reassessing their career choice and/or where they worked. Faced with difficult times, individuals reevaluate how they spend their waking hours.  And what their work says about who they are and what they believe. Now more than ever, I am hearing those thoughts from clients and acquaintances. A current client of mine mentioned that she was even more motivated to apply for a certain position at an advocacy organization because “…now they need all the help they can get.”

If these ideas resonate with you, ask yourself the following:
1.) As a young professional, is my chosen profession what I expected?
2.) How is reality different from my vision of work?
3.) Is the work culture of my organization or company a good fit for me?
4.) As a mid-career professional, what has driven my choices over the past 15-20 years?
5.) Does my work align with my “personal brand” and beliefs?
6.) Am I fulfilled in my work?
7.) Is it possible to align my talents with work that fits my core values and earn the income I need? If not, how do I volunteer my time and talents for a cause I value?
8.) How do I define success versus society’s definition of success?

If you are interested in exploring these questions or are thinking about making a career change in 2025 for additional reasons, let’s partner together to map out your next chapter.


Advancing Your Career in 2025


Your Nonprofit Cannot Afford Executive Search…Yes, you can!