
Be a Leader in 2022
Tina Erickson Tina Erickson

Be a Leader in 2022

Are you ready to be a leader in 2022? Your career may have been in a holding pattern during the pandemic – now it’s time to do what it takes to advance!

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Returning to the Office and Your Career
Tina Erickson Tina Erickson

Returning to the Office and Your Career

As organizations and companies outline their return to the office plans – whether full-time, a hybrid, or a transition period from being remote – there is more to consider than the logistics of that change in your life. How does this changing work environment impact your current position and your career?

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Self-Care: Vital for Career & Life during the Pandemic
Tina Erickson Tina Erickson

Self-Care: Vital for Career & Life during the Pandemic

What can you do to stay upbeat in the weeks ahead? How does self-care help you tackle your life challenges or impact a possible career transition? You have tried new recipes, watched hours of Netflix, and done every jigsaw puzzle in your home. Now what?

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Thrive Not Just Survive 2021
Tina Erickson Tina Erickson

Thrive Not Just Survive 2021

Everyone was happy to say goodbye to 2020! This past year, we adjusted to an incredible amount of change in our professional and personal lives. As we begin the new year, being pro-active with your career has never been more important than it is right now as we kick-off 2021.

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Life’s Next Chapter
Tina Erickson Tina Erickson

Life’s Next Chapter

Why is retirement from full-time work dreaded by so many people? Is it because they view retirement from work as retirement from life? As individuals, aren’t we more than our resumes? During these challenging times, what if your position is in jeopardy and you choose to retire. Then what?

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Graduation - Now How Do I Find a Job?
Tina Erickson Tina Erickson

Graduation - Now How Do I Find a Job?

Congratulations to all of you who worked hard to graduate in the spring of 2020! Your classes and college or graduate school did not end the way you had envisioned -- and as disappointing as that is -- you now have a degree that you earned and are ready to begin your career. How do you do that in the current environment?

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New Year, New Job?  8 Tasks for the Smart Job Seeker
Tina Erickson Tina Erickson

New Year, New Job? 8 Tasks for the Smart Job Seeker

The beginning of the year is a great time to decide if a job search is in your future. Before you begin a search, take time to prepare with the goal of shortening your search and increasing your chances of success. Here are some tasks to help you get started.

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