Nonprofit Search



Nonprofit Search for Foundations and Organizations


As a manager for many decades, I recruited, hired, and retained numerous professionals at multiple staffing levels and at several nonprofit organizations. I was also sought out by search firms during my fundraising career, and encountered effective search interactions and learned what is needed for a positive search experience. In addition, I saw tactics that were not best practice for the candidates, or the organization.

Those experiences have allowed me to feel confident in my ability to provide a personalized approach and partnership with nonprofit leaders who wish to recruit the best candidate for their organization.

I ensure searches are undertaken in a timely and cost effective manner. Whether you are hiring a program officer, a development professional, a program manager, or a CEO/Executive Director, I will work with you at an affordable rate that aligns with the hiring level.


“I run a nonprofit and recently faced the daunting task of finding a successor for a 20+ year employee who was retiring. The position to be filled was a senior one, critical to the continued success of the agency and its work, so I needed an experienced partner to help me in the candidate search and review process.

I spoke with some traditional search firms, and they seemed fine. I soon realized, though, that I wanted a more personalized approach led by someone with a deep understanding of the multitude of skills and traits necessary to succeed in the position. That realization, in turn, led me to Tina and I could not have had a better experience working with her. Tina’s input was critical at every step of the search process. She helped me update and fine-tune the job description, pick the best places to post the opening, and review and cull the submissions. She also did the initial round of interviews—taking a huge load off my back during an especially busy time of year—while also providing both written and oral feedback on each interview, so I always felt part of the process. Ultimately, she was involved in almost every step of the search process from initial planning to final hiring.

Perhaps most importantly, not only was I pleased with Tina’s work, so were all the job applicants. Time and again, when interviewing or corresponding with candidates, they mentioned what a pleasure it had been working with Tina and how helpful she was in describing what we were looking for and how wonderful she was to have as a resource. This is the second search with which Tina has assisted, and I know that for the next opening she will again be my first phone call.”



Meet Your Search Professional


“My years as a hiring manager will assist you as we seek the best talent to advance your organization’s mission.”