New Year, New Job? 8 Tasks for the Smart Job Seeker


After the holiday break, it is often challenging to get back into the work routine.  Sometimes, it is even harder if you have decided it is time to move on or you are unhappy in your position.  The beginning of the year is a great time to decide if a job search is in your future.

Before you begin a search, take time to prepare with the goal of shortening your search and increasing your chances of success.

Here are some tasks to help you get started:

  1. Update your resume with recent accomplishments at your current position.  Don’t forget to add any volunteer work or continuing education you have undertaken.  Be sure your resume is well written, visually appealing, and includes keywords that are important in your area of work.

  2. Ensure that you add the same updated information to your LinkedIn account.  Most human resource professionals and search executives rely on LinkedIn when seeking candidates for positions.  Spend time on LinkedIn connecting to former colleagues or people you have met.  And ensure your photo is professional and not from your last beach vacation!

  3. Review other social media posts and remove anything that is not putting forth the image that will help you land the next opportunity in your career.

  4. Network, network, network.  While it is always important to stay in touch with your professional contacts, it is even more important to make time in your schedule to have lunch, coffee or phone conversations with people in your network when embarking on a search.  If you need to expand your network, join professional groups and attend networking events.

  5. Spend time reflecting on what you want to do next.  Are you ready to move up to management?  Do you want to change your area of work?  Set-up informational interviews with people who have positions that you aspire to and ask them to introduce you to others. 

  6. If you are ready to begin, you need to make your job search a top priority.  You must dedicate time every week!  Once you complete the tasks above, continue with your networking while you search and apply for positions.  Take your time to ensure your applications are thorough and tailored for the position you are applying for.

  7. While it is important to have a well written, concise general cover letter, you need to customize that letter for specific openings.  And be sure to proofread your letters!  You would be surprised how many people neglect to change their salutations--letters addressed to the wrong organization or person presents a damaging first impression.

  8. Prepare yourself for the interviews ahead.  Invest in a new suit, shoes and any personal grooming that makes you feel more confident when you look in the mirror.  Haven’t interviewed for a while?  Ask a family member, friend or your coach to role play with you.

If you are ready for your next opportunity and need assistance with these steps so you stay on track, I am happy to partner with you as your career coach!


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