Need Better Work-Life Balance? Start by Lowering Your Stress


We all seek work-life balance, yet it’s hard for many to manage an effective strategy.  Try some of these steps to ensure you’re maximizing your time at work, relaxing at home, and lowering your stress. 

At work, stay in control of your schedule and set your priorities:

  • When you’re working on a project, don’t jump back and forth to emails.  Close your inbox and check it once every hour or two.  Multitasking leads to a lot of inefficiency!

  • Set your schedule at the beginning of the month or the week, and stick to it as much as possible.  Schedule back-to-back meetings to limit interrupting your day, and block off mornings or afternoons for work time at your desk.

  • If you have a door, close it when you need to focus.  If you work in a cubicle or open seating, put on headphones or post a collegial note letting your colleagues know you are “in the zone.”

  • Work from home once a week if you can.  You’ll save time commuting and have less interruptions during your day.  Ensure you have a place in your home that is quiet and comfortable for working.  This is the best time to tackle projects that require creativity or a lot of concentration.

  • Stop putting off what you don’t like to do!  Procrastinating makes the tasks more challenging in your mind.  Start off a new work week with the project you enjoy the least and you will feel empowered.

  • Spend time on Friday afternoon clearing your inbox—delete emails you don’t need, place those you need to keep in the appropriate folders, and respond to anything you missed.  When you return on Monday morning, you’ll be ahead of the game!          

At home, it’s hard to find hours of free time for yourself. Try these activities in just 20-30 minute segments to help you slow down: 

  • Take breaks from your phone or other portable devices and connect with the people you love. Spend time outdoors enjoying nature or your neighborhood.

  • Meditate, pray, and/or practice yoga on a regular basis.

  • Exercise for better health and stress reduction.

  • Journal about your hopes, dreams, and current frustrations.  Leave the negative energy on the page and let your words help guide your future goals.

  • Set aside time to enjoy something you love–music, art, or a chat with an old friend or family member.    

  • Allow time to wind down earlier each night so you feel fresh in the morning.  Unplug earlier, take a bath, drink a warm caffeine-free beverage, and/or read a good book.

Remember, you control your life!  You need to ensure you’re taking the steps necessary to keep work in balance and give yourself some time to breathe at home.  If you want help, I can work with you on work-life balance as your coach.


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