Graduation - Now How Do I Find a Job?

Congratulations to all of you who worked hard to graduate in the spring of 2020!  Your classes and college or graduate school did not end the way you had envisioned -- and as disappointing as that is -- you now have a degree that you earned and are ready to begin your career.  How do you do that in the current environment?  

You thought there would be more opportunities available in a strong economy.  Now you are living back at home or sharing a small apartment with a friend.  You can no longer easily access the career services on campus.  Where do you begin?  How do you start a job search in an environment when organizations are not hiring?     

Key time to prepare

While positions may not be available right now, it is a key time to prepare for your job search:

  • Put the finishing touches on your resume and general cover letter.

  • Reach out to line-up your references.

  • Ensure your LinkedIn account presents the professional profile you need.

  • Educate yourself about the best ways to search for openings and sign-up for list serves in your field. 

  • If you already secured a job and your start date is postponed, reach out to your employer to see what you can do to prepare. 

Network, network, network

Many things have changed, others have not. Networking is key to every job search, so it is important to build your network.  Begin by enhancing your LinkedIn connections. Who do you know from campus, including fellow graduates, professors and administrators? Who did you meet at summer jobs and internships? 

While people are working from home, they are eager to connect with individuals who are not their family or colleagues.  Reach out to ask for an informational interview with alumni from your institution that you find on LinkedIn.  Look at organizations of interest and email professionals who works in a position that you aspire to secure – ask them for 30 minutes of their time to provide any suggestions or ideas.  Be sure to have key questions for them and ask them to connect you to others in the field.   

Set a plan and stick to it

Right now, the days run together with little distinction.  Set a plan each week for your tasks and stick to it!  If you are not currently working, try to seek out remote or temporary work or an internship while you undertake your career search. 

Finding your first career position is challenging under any circumstances.  And now, it will require your commitment and positive approach.   

If you need help drafting your resume, preparing for interviews, or being strategic in your search, I am a career coach who offers reasonable rates to young professionals in the nonprofit or public sectors and am available to help you. 


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