What’s Holding You Back from a Rewarding Career?

Many professionals are not feeling fulfilled and rewarded in their career. What is holding these individuals back from making a change?

Through my work as a career coach, I talk to numerous professionals who experience various challenges at different junctures in their careers. Do you see yourself in one of these situations?

  • Young professional. You selected a major in college and now that you are looking for a job, you realize that field is not the right fit for you -- so what are your options? You have no idea how to begin a job search – what do I need to do? You didn’t realize that a job search is extremely time consuming and challenging – am I taking the right approach?  You had a negative experience in your first position – how do I avoid landing in another toxic work environment?

  • Mid-career professional. You want to move-up to a leadership position but have no management experience – what can I do to build my resume, or make my case in an interview? You realize you have stayed too long at one organization or in one position – how do I launch a strategic search that takes me to the next level? You are in a challenging work environment – what is the approach and strategy I need to take to succeed?

  • Experienced professional. You plan to retire in 10-12 years and your job is “good enough” – will you be happy for the next decade? You want to stay at your organization but need to advocate for a promotion and/or salary increase – how do I initiate those conversations? You are bored with your position yet need to stay because the salary and benefits are excellent – how can I give back and find other interests that make my life more rewarding?    

 If you see yourself at one of these career junctures and want assistance to explore and address these questions, as a professional career coach I can assist you. A more rewarding career can be ahead if you do not allow yourself to be held back!


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